We are slowly adding stock to our website. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us.

Returns & Replacements

If you change your mind about an order and want to cancel it, you can do so up to the point when it is despatched (orders are processed as soon as possible after they've been placed, so we may have already packed your order and made arrangements for it to be sent when you cancel it. If this is the case then we can't always stop the order from being delivered: once you receive the order, just return it to us).

How do I cancel my order or return a product?

To cancel your order you must contact us by email, telephone or fax. We would prefer that you contact us by email at sales@trevormottram.co.uk. Please ensure that your order number is included in all communications. Your order number can be found in your order history by logging into your account.

How long do I have to cancel my order or return a product?

You have 14 days within which you can withdraw from the contract (you have to keep the products safe for return to us). You must contact us by email, telephone or fax to cancel the order or return a product. We would prefer that you contact us by email at sales@trevormottram.co.uk. Please ensure that your order number is included in all communications. Your order number can be found in your order history by logging into your account.

How do I return the product to you?

Once you have contacted us to cancel your order, you will be given instructions on how to return the product to us. No items shall be returned without prior contact with Trevor Mottram Ltd customer services, and without authorisation to return an item. Items returned without prior authorisation may not be refunded.

Returning the product in store

You can take the item to our store for a refund. You must bring the receipt with you which you can print from your your account.